Southwest Vacation Feb23 - Joshua Tree NP
Keys View - Cap Rock

Our next stop was Keys View, about eight miles from the Barker Dam/Wall Street Mill trailhead.  It was uphill as Keys View was at 5,185 feet.  It is up in the Little San Bernadino Mountains.
Overlooking the Cochella Valley.  Out there, I was surpised to learn, are the towns of Indio and Palm Springs.  I was in both towns a couple of years ago:  Link.  I didn't realize we were so close now.
I guess you can thank the Colorado River and Hoover Dam for enabling the Imperial and Coachella valleys to thrive.
A little windy and cold up here at Keys View.
After Keys View, we headed back down the mountain to Cap Rock, which had a short little trail around it.
Again, it looks like individual rocks have just been placed on top of each other.
They should call this one Pac-Man rock.
A giant natural cairn.
Pushing rocks.